

We ground ourselves in kindness and unconditional positive regard and flow with possibility from the properties of water, its softness, fluidity, and ability  to navigate many terrains. We are mental health therapists, healers, and life coaches who  bring years of education and professional  training together with our lived experience.

Our work

It starts from your stories, values and beliefs. We support your desire to  step away from the dominant grip of stigma and silence and lean into the freedom and  possibilities available through sharing stories.

We are  available for in person consultations as well as tele-health services. Lets learn together how exceptional we all are through self discovery and unconditional regard for human interaction.

Mixed Couples

Mixed Race/Ethnicity Adults

Navigating biracial/multiracial identities and experiences can be complex in a world that wants us to name with certainty “who we are”.  We can sometimes be invited into ideas that we are too much of one, and not enough of the other? There can be ways  that competition intrudes into the relationship we hold with different experiences. We can be made to feel that if we lean into one thing we are diminishing another.  We might even believe that there has to be such  a thing as “a perfect integration”.  We explore ideas of belonging, acceptance, pride, and  other ideas that  are impacting you, your relationships, and your ability to be, as they say, comfortable in your skin, at home with yourself.

Get in Touch

We’ll work with you every step of the way to make your experience as clear and welcoming as possible. If you’re ready to start the next chapter of your journey, you can request to get connected with Marcus now.

Narrative Therapy Practice
About us

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The Time is Now to Put Yourself First and Make A Positive Change. Get Started Today!

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